The Dragon Story Series

Why are dragons the main characters?

"I used dragons as the main characters not only because many people (including myself) find them fascinating, but also because they can represent the good, the bad, and the in-between. So not only are they appealing to younger audiences in a classical way, but they also can relate well to whoever is reading."

Is it kid-friendly?

"For ages 10 and up, absolutely! The series is clean from curse words and anything kids would find disgusting or unbearable violence. But I still don't quite recommend it for kids under 10 years of age. It was originally written for middle school and early high school readers in mind. But there have been plenty of kids under 10 that enjoy it just as much as the older kids."

      Is it Christian Fiction?

"Yes and no. The series itself isn't quite a Christian Fiction series, but it does have Christian morals and godly lessons mixed in (meaning some of the lessons and ideas were inspired by the ones taught by Jesus Christ). This series, like all of the books I wrote, and will write, will have God in it some way or another."

      Does it contain magic?

"The Dragon Story does contain small amounts of what could be seen as 'magic', such as the rings, elemental rubies, an amulet, and a book that constantly records all of Drath's history on it's own. But most of the so-called 'magic' is actually unexplainable science and technology at it's best. For example, the Light Gem that glows bright in the dark glows because the type of rock is compressed so hard that it forms into a luminous gem."