
Fantasy, Sci-fi, & Christian Author

Latest Book:

The Dragon Story (Anniversary Edition)

To celebrate 5 years of The Dragon Story series, all four books have been mashed together into one dragon-sized storybook.

Embark on a fantastic journey across Talvazah with Glowfire and his new friends, Iceflurry, Firespark, and Jewel. The evil Queen Darkness is quickly taking over the world of Drath. Can Glowfire and his new friends save...

Latest Short Story:

Snake of the Jungle is a fearless short story about a little girl named Kelsa who must overcome her fear of snakes before Python, the beastly snake of the jungle, senses her fear and ends her life. The legend puts it that once Python smells fear, he goes and devours them where they stand. Unless one is brave enough to...

Next Book Signing:

The latest news is exciting for sure! Coming up on July 11th is The Dragon Story's 5th Year Anniversary! To celebrate, I, Mycah Realms will be at Weiser Classic Candy to sign books, sell anniversary t-shirts and merch, and drink the special new Italian Soda called the "Dragon Berry". This drink was created to be a close replica of the "Dragon Berry Mix" that the dragons in my book series actually drink. It will be available for the public at Weiser Classic Candy in Weiser, Idaho from July 11th until August 1st. So be sure to stop by!

But that's not all! For the 5th Year Anniversary we also have something brand new to launch. On July 11th, The Dragon Story (Anniversary Edition) will be available exclusively on Amazon for purchase. This book is massive, and contains all four mainline novels in the series. I call it the "dragon-sized storybook". If you absolutely love The Dragon Story series, this book is a must! So stay tuned, as soon as July 11th flies around, it will be available!